This year I’m running a free online lunch time Comic Club.
It starts at 12.45 and lasts an hour.
I’ll give a few prompts and a few tips but mainly it’s lunch time fun!
Then we share and chit chat.
It will be every 2 months:
January, March, May, July, September and November.

Sign up for my newsletter if you want to join.

My Courses
Please contact me if you have any queries about any of the following courses at:

This is one of the best short courses I’ve ever done!’ 
student ‘Graphic Novel Your Life’

I put a lot of care and attention into preparing a course that is fun, stimulating, fascinating, challenging and emotionally supportive.
Each course is specially shaped to nurture and develop your ideas,  visual narratives and stories until they gleam. By the end of each course I am fully confident you will move forward with brilliant preparation to allow you to make the best graphic novel/comic/ script or picture book imaginable.

New Course!

This course is now ended.
Contact QBC if interested in attending this course next year.

Guest cartoonist: Jillian Tamaki!
(Author/ cartoonist/Illustrator -SuperMutant Magic Academy 
Skim, This One Summer (winner of the Caldecott Medal written by Mariko Tamaki)

Ever wondered what the formula is for creating engaging human-interest comics? Join this exciting 4-week comics adaptation course to find out!
Guided by award-winning cartoonist Rachael Ball, you’ll learn to create well thought out comic pages, with a compelling story and engaging characters.
Week one, We will be joined by Jillian Tamaki, cartoonist, illustrator, and teacher. Jillian will open up about her illustration process and then stay for the session to answer questions and share feedback with participants.

To Book:


Fall back in love with creating your graphic novel
Advanced Course

22-26th July (online)

£320 (low waged)
A bursary is available.

Email me for info

This week is for people who are fed up with making slow or no progress on their graphic novels, but know they would make huge leaps forward over one dedicated week with the right support.  

Take some radical action and join me and like-minded creatives this summer. I will do everything necessary to help you fall back in love with your graphic novel.


Quentin Blake Centre for Illustration

Graphic Novel Your Life

10 week evening course
17 Sept-26 Nov 

Read a Q&A here about what inspired me to create the course:

All levels

Learn how to create a page-turning graphic novel based on your life experiences whilst being mentored in a fun and stimulating environment.
At the end of this structured course you will have created story and character brainstorms, key characters, a scripted scene, a compelling plot, a well-composed storyboard, experiments, a synopsis, a finished page of artwork and have gained invaluable professional advice.
This course is for all levels, from beginners to professionals.

To sign up for the list contact-


Design a Children’s Picture Book 
Art Academy
Summer course
In Real Life
12-16 AUGUST 2024

By the end of this fun and inspirational course, you will have written a compelling story for your own children’s picture book; created fabulous characters; experimented with different styles and media; created a page of artwork; made a rough draft first storyboard and gained valuable tips on approaching an agent/publisher. .


Some people come with work in progress, others with a clean sheet of paper. Everyone leaves with a clear sense of direction, a sound knowledge of the vocabulary of visual narratives; a deeper passion and connection with their work and a stronger sense of confidence. I’m always impressed with what a high standard of work people produce and what a great sense of camaraderie is generated from working with like-minded people.

I have taught workshops in writing and illustrating visual narratives, be that graphic novels, comics or picture books for 6 years at the House of Illustration, at The Arvon online (with Karrie Fransman and guest cartoonist Woodrow Phoenix), Anglia Ruskin, Cambridge University, The Art Academy, the Cartoon Museum, UCL aswell as workshops at LDC Residencies.
I taught art in secondary schools for 16 years. These experiences combined with over 30 years experience as an established and acclaimed cartoonist puts me in a unique position to be able to get the best out of my students.



I found Rachael quite special and incredibly generous with her knowledge which we all benefitted from.’

‘Rachael is an amazing teacher and so helpful when giving feedback and advice. The booklets given out were a great learning aid also!’

‘I wish my university course had been this informative!’

‘It was everything listed and more! I was hoping to gain a little push with my work; to broaden my understanding of graphic novels and to gain specific feedback. It was better than expected!’

‘Thank you so much for this wonderful course. I've enjoyed every moment. The sessions have inspired me to get something to publishers by the end of the year.’


March 21, 2021
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0882681281
ISBN-13: 978-0882681283
Madness thundery gist of dream and dross
Ring where the cave of future rings
Cherry between me and the boogeyman Nothingness
My wind-tossed head a flurry of feathers
Shoots sparks as hammers strike anvil