group mentoring
Feb 2025-Jan 2026 
Cost: £385

Max group size 5

Places are now open for my next online graphic novel group mentoring programme.

Working on a graphic novel or comic and tired of working alone?
Know it could be brilliant but getting lost in the detail?
You post your work in progress. I read it and feedback at our monthly group sessions.
Then we have a group discussion. 
It’s fun and VERY USEFUL!
Nine 2.5 hr sessions (plus a 1:1 with me (45 mins.)

Ex mentees have been picked up by agents, publishers; been nominated for the Clairburn comic Prize, short listed for the LDComics Graphic novel competition as well as the Jonathan Cape Graphic Novel competition.
One mentee just got a publishing deal with Bloomsbury.

Feedback- ‘So beneficial and encouraging and the other
people on the course were equally supportive.’

Message me at to find out more.



£67 per hour

Need help working on a graphic novel or children’s book
(Narrative, script, ideas or visuals) 
We will have a pre meeting email exchange chat to pinpoint your needs. During mentor sessions we’ll develop an action plan for you so your creative project will go from strength to strength and be the wonderful thing it’s meant to be.
Generally students get the most out of between 2 to 4 sessions.

Email me at: to discuss your needs.



Mentees feedback:

“I found it so useful. I was floundering around, playing about with ideas but with absolutely no idea of how to go about even ordering my thoughts let alone planning and structuring a piece of work, so it was great that Rachael was able to hone in so many different aspects and give me pointers on how I might proceed. ”

‘Rachael listened to my ideas, my blocks and then helped break open my perceptions of what this piece of work might become. She saw the potential, brainstormed and also gave me some concrete ideas of how to go about taking the work into a new draft, a more dynamic draft. Still lots of work to do, but I am looking forward to my next session with Rachael - her mentoring skills are as special as her artistic skills.’